Friday, July 16, 2010

4 attempts at the cuff

Here are my frames. The last one is the one I am going to use.

1. First upper left, I  made it out of 14 gauge copper , formed it  and then whacked it with the hammer. 

2.  Upper right is a better shot BUT what I am really trying to show you is  how wonky it is;  this now resides in the junk heap or some other day , some other challenge
3. Tools, nylon pliers, 14 gauge copper could not tell you if it is soft , hard ....all I know is it is round, cutters and a ring mandrel to shape the hole.

4.  Lower left corner Artistic chocloate brown wire 18 gauge a picture of the internet ( don't remember where) but not my design. But had it have worked it would have been incredible and the inside would have been done similar to the cuff in our challenge.  yeah you guessed resides in the J_nk He_p.

5.  Lower right, yes sad to say Yes this is the one I have picked. I have an idea if it works be prepared to be amazed, if it doesn't , then its the junk heap for this one too.

6.  I sure hope my friends have patients, this could take awhile........



  1. I think the one in the upper right hand corner looks really doable. You know, I just thought of an easier way to do this. String beads on the wire for the frame, then you can wire on your design. I wish I had thought of this earlier! My piece took 14 hours! I knew this would be challenging, but I had no idea HOW challenging!
    Cheers, Dawn Blair

  2. P.S. How did you get the pictures to all line up like that???

  3. Hey Penny-
    I am a little slow. Yes, I think the last one will give you a good sturdy frame. If I had thought of that, I would have saved myself (and my fingers) a lot of grief! heehee...
    Cheers, dblair
